That's when the irony hit me...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i dont' know how many times Dr. Phil said that in the ten minutes i spent watching his show today. it was really ironic because he was talking about money, and when i hear that i think of To Write Love on Her Arms. jamie should go on oprah someday. twloha is so important, adn invisible children was on there once...

that was pointless, sorry. i really came here to rant.

i'm really annoyed with kayla today. it just seemed like everytime she talked to me, it was because she needed something, or couldn't do something so i had to. it annoyed me. she does that sometimes though. i just...i don't know. i'm too tired to do anything tonight. kayla wants to go see kutless at club 3, but i just want to sleep and do my apush quietly. it seems like i've been living more my quiet moments lately. i find myself shying away from my relevant podcast, and ipod. it's turning into white noise. i don't want that.

i really want to listen to switchfoot. stupid fast. GAH! DAMN MY SHORT ATTENTION SPAN! i think i'm going to take a nap. hopefully i can do some apush later


Posted by Katie at 13.11.07 | 0 comments