That's when the irony hit me...

Saturday, April 17, 2010
title: Don't Look Back by She & Him
so i had one of those great life experiences today that hit me like a ton of bricks. i got screwed over by a credit card. i got it so i could buy a computer which i desparately needed and ended up borrowing my dad's for the semester. i never used the card. when the person on the phone was talking to me to activate the card they tacked on a bunch of fees. so basically i'm being charged like thirty bucks a month for a card i've never used, and won't use. i missed a payment because the statements are mailed to my house, not school so i got charged another thirty-five. i now owe $76 dollars. i'm unemployed.

my mom is going to help me but i feel so dumb. i started crying when i called her because i'm embarassed. this is so dumb and it's totally my fault.

i'm done with credit cards. i have the one from my bank that i can manage online. otherwise i'm finished.


Posted by Katie at 17.4.10 |


At April 18, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Blogger bubblychick:) said........
Aw, well at least you worked it out. Check me out at

At April 21, 2010 at 10:18 PM, Blogger AC said........
Could not have said it better! I as well am done with credit cards. I even had my boyfriend take them from me and hide them. Check me out at

At April 24, 2010 at 1:29 AM, Blogger Sh2nn0n, your friendly neighborhood girltank said........
I hate to be rude, but in the grand scheme of horrible things that can happen when having a credit card, or not reading the fine print, or missing a payment...this isn't so bad. I know it must seem terrible to you since it is your first experience in having someone take advantage of you. I'd definitely suggest getting some tougher skin soon though.

At April 25, 2010 at 4:42 AM, Blogger Ally said........
Hey, yeah I really know how you must feel like.. But now you´ve worked it out, at least :)

At April 26, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Blogger Katie said........
SH2nn0n: i don't know you, so if you're going to be rude, don't say anything. i wrote this RIGHT after it happened. this blog is a place for me to record my thoughts as they happen and that's what this is. don't patronize me.