That's when the irony hit me...

Sunday, September 6, 2009
title: College Kids by Relient K

the title was a necessary evil.

so college. i guess i'm not really in it yet because it's still welcome week but so far...not a fan. admittedly, it's welcome week's fault. it allows for about oh lets say...ZERO time for actual socializing. so the friends we're supposed to be making are stuck listening to the same speech you are, while you are unable to communicate with those around you. i have met a couple people, but they are gone within minutes. ridiculous.

so basically i have no friends. i know it's only been three days (if you count move in, which probably shouldn't be counted honestly) and i know it'll get better, but right now i'm downright unhappy. i miss my mom like CRAZY, i can't see gihan very often because they keep me busy all day, and more than anything in the world i want to go home. so far, i have cried every single day, and in a way it's soothing, but at the same time stressful because i don't want anyone to see me crying. i want to call my mom, but if i do i know i'll cry really hard. i talked to her yesterday and i didn't but anytime i even reference when she left i get upset.

i just really hate this right now. maybe i can throw myself into studies later...


Posted by Katie at 6.9.09 |


At September 6, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Blogger Carol said........
Aw, Katie. Don't worry too much! You'll become friends soon enough with people. When I first came here, I didn't have any friends. I just put my pride (not saying your prideful, but you know what I mean...) in another place and sucked it up and introduced myself to people like a dork. Eventually you'll find your place. Just stick with your roommate and see where that leads you.

Dont worry, the homesickness will fade, and college will become really, really fun. :D <3

At September 20, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Blogger Alizée said........
Hi :)

I find your blog by accident, I must say, but immediately related to it.

I so know what you are writing about: meet friends, to go out and the anxiety that makes its way in if you don't.

You'll soon look back at these moments and smile; but for now, I know it's hard. Don't worry.

If you're homesick or you miss your mom, call her. There's nothing wrong with that. Or don't call her, but only if you think it's easier for you.

Treat yourself right, don't put too much pressure on yourself. I'm sure you'll do great. You're going to meet people you don't even think existed.

Good luck :)