That's when the irony hit me...

Sunday, January 11, 2009
today sucks.
i knew it would, the day gihan leaves always sucks.
but lets add to the joy, shall we?

7:30: gihan texts me to say that no one showed up for his eagle board, he's pretty upset, so i offer coffee for some support
9:30: go out for coffee, everything's fine
10:00: go out for breakfast with the family, but bring two cars because i wanted to leave early to get back to gihan
sometime during breakfast: gihan sends a text say he's leaving at 11:50 instead of 12:30, i leave a few minutes later
11:12: i hit a patch of slush going down glendale road (at only 35 mph i might add) and begin to spin out, so i over corrected and spun the other way...long story short, i hit a fence. i was shaking sooooo hard. i'm exhausted now from it. i bent up one of my wheels and i'm out of a car for about a week, but i'm okay.
between 11:12 and 12:06: gihan HAS to leave so he comes to say goodbye really quickly. while i was doing my two second goodbye, the stupid cop yelled at him for being on the shoulder even though he was leaving in a second. so the cop interrupted my goodbye, and now i dont' get to see him for another month.

now i'm just sitting here after all the nonsense, crying.

i. hate. today.

ps- happy one year gihan, that's the only redeemable thing about today

Posted by Katie at 11.1.09 |