title: The Cure for Pain by Jon Foreman
i was watching Grey's Anatomy today (the dangers of me not iming gihan all night) and it got me thinking. now granted, this was mostly because they played The Cure for Pain during one of the montages but the end result was the same. i started to think about that very first verse
I'm not sure why it always goes downhill
Why broken cisterns never could stay filled
I've spent ten years singing gravity away
But the water keeps on falling from my eyes
why do things always go downhill? no matter how good something is, it'll always take that turn for the worst. the answer is fairly simple actually: if we never went downhill life would always be an uphill climb. with out the falling action the story of our lives would continually go up and up to an unreachable climax.
or is the climax death? is the time after death the falling action? or would that be the end of the story?
depends on your beliefs i suppose.
if life is a rollercoaster then there would have to be downs. nothing can stay good forever. this isn't meant to be pessimistic or even realistic. if anything i'm bordering on relentless optimism and ruthless idealism (credit: Jon Foreman...i can't steel the latter) because just because something takes that turn doesn't mean we have to give up on it.
every great leader in history has had ups and downs in their given journeys. downs are a part of life, and make the good times that much sweeter. life is fully of mysteries but that first statement in The Cure for Pain should not be one of them.
dark times aren't bad. in my somewhat warped thinking, they're more beautiful than light. maybe that's taking it too far in the other direction, but i'm still trying to find my middle ground.
i thought this would be a blog about crying...funny how things work out.