That's when the irony hit me...

Thursday, January 29, 2009
title: Closer Than You Think by Fiction Family

just got the album, currently listening to one of my all time favorites, War in My Blood. essentially, if you like jon foreman's solo work, or sean watkin's nickel creek work you'll like fiction family.

i've had my sights set on the future as of late, which is of course shocking, because being a high school senior i have no business planning for the future, right?

i've actually been thinking more about when i can live on my own. not necessarily being out of college, but just the idea of living in an apartment. i love the idea, i always have, but it's so close now. so tangible. guys, i could watch embarrassing tv without anyone asking me why i'm watching it!

mmm another favorite. Betrayal. i mentioned to gihan earlier that i haven't sat down and listened to an album in quite some time. i can't quite decide why, but i find myself watching more and more tv. on a deep level i could say that it's because music is honest, and i try to relate to it and it's entirely possible that i dont' want to look at myself that closely, but i'm not sure.

music just doesn't play the same role. i love it. i miss writing more than anything, but i just...can't.

i was looking at a friend's 365 project on flickr today (where you take a picture of yourself, or something about you everyday for a year), and i felt a desire to do something of the sort. i'm not much of a photographer. i love to dabble, but it's just not a passion. i don't know, i'll have to brainstorm that. this is sure to be a eventful year, i feel as though i should be doing more to capture it. a blog a day? haha i can't even write that without at laughing at myself.

i just really miss pieces of the old me, and i feel like i need to start working on that person i'm becoming again. i dropped that off for a long time to ignore everything and called it "taking care of myself." i think i'd like to go back to feeling again.

i should sleep. goodnight all!

"we were both drinking fiction with greedy tongues," - Please Don't Call It Love by Fiction Family

Posted by Katie at 29.1.09 |